
How To Post A Youtube Video On Tiktok

How to Link a YouTube Video on a TikTok Postal service!

If y'all're an influencer or content creator, so you only must get on TikTok, stat. Right now, TikTok is exploding in popularity, with over a billion app downloads worldwide. As such, y'all tin can view all TikTok users as potential audience or followers.

If you've already gathered a following on YouTube, Instagram, or other social platforms, TikTok might be even better for you. Definitely call back about linking all your social accounts together then that you can reap the benefits.

If you lot want to learn how to link a YouTube video to a TikTok post, keep on reading.

Get on TikTok

All that you need to link your YouTube and TikTok accounts is to sign upward to both platforms and install their apps on your mobile device. Download TikTok for Android or iOS hither. Here are links for the YouTube app on Android and iOS.

When you've installed both apps and updated them to the latest version, y'all tin begin posting on both platforms. Note that you can cross-promote both your YouTube channel and your TikTok profile in your videos.

Since YouTube allows for longer clips, nosotros propose using it equally a main platform and TikTok as a supplementary means of "pushing" your YouTube videos to your audition. Also, YouTube has direct monetization of videos, while TikTok sadly still doesn't.

Not so long ago, you couldn't even add YouTube links to your bio folio on TikTok. That was fabricated possible a few months back. Not only that, but you tin also link YouTube videos to each of your TikTok posts.

How to Link YouTube Videos to TikTok

Let's address the elephant in the room commencement. Sadly, the links on TikTok posts aren't really clickable. This means that you can freely type out or paste your YouTube video link to your TikTok post, simply information technology will merely appear as text.

In other words, your followers must open a browser and manually type in your unabridged link, which is really annoying. Hopefully, TikTok will address this in the future. Merely every bit of now, that'south the only way around it.

To summarize, if you want to link a YouTube video in your TikTok post, only add it to the mail'due south description. It won't exist clickable, but at to the lowest degree some people might decide to manually check out your YouTube video.

However, there is a much better mode of posting links to TikTok. Yes, links in the bio on TikTok are finally here. Oh, and there'southward a big YouTube channel button on your profile too.

Calculation Your YouTube Channel and Links to TikTok

Here'south the best advice we can give you regarding this conundrum. Instead of expecting your followers to manually type out links to your YouTube channel, why not use your bio instead? Here'southward how to practice information technology:

  1. Start TikTok on your device.
  2. Tap on the Me choice in the lesser-right corner (profile).
  3. Then, tap on the Edit Profile option.
  4. Finally, tap on the option side by side to Bio (add a bio to your profile).
  5. Paste your YouTube video link hither. You take up to 80 characters, which should be more plenty.

Nosotros suggest that you lot write a curt and punchy bio beginning, and and then add together a YouTube link at the bottom of the folio. No need to link your YouTube channel here. You lot tin link your TikTok and YouTube accounts together. Here'southward how:

  1. Launch TikTok.
  2. Tap on Me.
  3. Select Edit Profile.
  4. Tap on the field next to YouTube. This will take you to an external window request for your Google credentials (since YouTube is owned by Google, the accounts are merged). Follow the instructions on your screen to link your TikTok and YouTube accounts.
  5. Optional step: you can do the aforementioned with Instagram as you did with YouTube. If y'all accept an Instagram business relationship, we highly advise linking it with your TikTok profile also.

Parting Advice

Now that you know how to do add YouTube links to your TikTok profile, take reward and merge your audiences from both platforms. On TikTok, y'all demand to give an incentive for your followers to follow you on YouTube also.

Brand teaser videos for TikTok, while posting the whole clips on YouTube. You tin can also practice the contrary, promote your TikTok profile on your YouTube aqueduct by adding the link to your TikTok in the descriptions of your videos.

Good luck becoming a successful content creator, musician, comedian, or whatever you prepare your mind to. Feel free to tell the states which niche you chose in the comments department beneath.


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