
How To Make A Lyric Youtube Video

How to Make an Attention-Grabbing Lyric Video: 3 Piece of cake Ways

How to Make an Attention-Grabbing Lyric Video - 3 Easy Ways

For some artists and music brands, video marketing is all about trying new things. If your brand falls into that category, try a lyric video. It's a great mode to connect to your audience on a broader level. Later all, there's hardly any music lover who hasn't ever looked up their favorite song's lyrics.

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So, if your fans are looking for your songs' lyrics, why non get in more fun and easier for them to find that as they groove to your beats? Plus, there are many benefits of a lyric video. Just before we get to those and before we tell you how to make a lyric video, start let's understand what is a lyric video anyway.

What is a Lyric Video?

As you would accept guessed from its name, a lyric video is the one that displays the lyrics to a song with the song playing in the groundwork. Don't confuse it with a karaoke video, though. A lyric video is much more artistic and tests your creativity at another level.

Why make a Lyric Video?

There are various reasons why a lyric video is an excellent choice for you. Bank check some of them below.

  • Accuracy: A lyric video will help your fans know the song'due south verbal words, rather than fetching inaccurate lyrics from other sources.
  • Easy-to-create: Creating lyric videos isn't a tricky affair. You can make one in a few simple steps and share your song beyond social. Apart from being unproblematic, it's time-saving as well.
  • Cost-constructive: Creating a lyric video is economical. You don't have to suspension the bank to make a total-fledged music video. Moreover, with, y'all can brand your lyric videos for gratuitous! And awesomeness guaranteed.
  • Pre-release marketing: Imagine making your vocal viral even before an official video goes out. With a lyric video, it'south possible.
  • Storytelling: With animation, lyric videos can assist you tell a story with your vocal. How? Some of the examples shared later in this post volition let you find that out.

How To Brand A Lyric Video In 3 Easy Ways

1. Utilize an Online Video Editor

I of the easiest means to make a fantastic lyric video is to use an online video editor like A preferred pick of both beginner and pro editors, our tool helps you create a professional-looking lyric video in a short fourth dimension.

Let's begin the process.

Step ane – Sign in and hover to "+ New Video"

Sign in to your Moving account and hover the mouse to the "+ New Video" tab.

Create a lyric video using

Step ii – Create your video

Upload your video, choose from our stock library, use a bare video or choice a lyric music video template.

lyric video templates -

Step 3 – Upload your song

Equally you edit your video, get to "Sound" to add together your song. Click on "Uploads" and drop your files to upload.

Add music to your lyric video

Step 4 – Add lyrics

Next, click on "Captions" and add together your song'due south lyrics on the right.

Add captions to your lyric video

Yous can as well edit the manner of the text to suit the theme of your video.

Stylize your lyrics

Step 5 – Edit the video

Now, show your creativity by making edits, and that'southward it! Your lyric video is ready to be published now.

Edit your lyric video

Step 6 – Publish

Hitting publish and return to download, share direct on social media, embed on a website, or get a white label link.

Publish your lyric video

Information technology'south quick, unproblematic, and splendid.

2. Hire a Lyrics Video Freelancer

Although this option may not be as price-effective equally using an online video editor, y'all tin always rent an practiced to make a professional-looking lyric video. Explore talent portals like Upwork or Fiverr to detect the right fit.

Hire lyric video pros at Upwork

iii. Utilize Video Editing Software

Want to get an skillful rather than hiring i? Use video editing software to brand a lyric video. Here's how you lot tin create a absurd lyric video using Window Movie Maker and iMovie.

Creating a lyric video with Windows Movie Maker

Step one – If you lot oasis't already, then download Windows Movie Maker and launch it.

Footstep 2 – Click "Championship" in the "Home" tab and add a video title.

Step 3 – Add a background past clicking on "Add together videos and photos".

Step 4 – Next, click the "Add together music" tab to upload your vocal.

Footstep 5 – Now add lyrics by striking the "Caption" tab. But don't forget to synchronize your captions to your song lyrics by adjusting the lyrics' outset time.

Pace vi – Set the lyric slide's duration by clicking the "Elapsing" text box and entering the time yous want the slide to exist displayed for.

Stride vii – Add together the entire lyrics past repeating this procedure: Domicile > Title > Lyrics > Elapsing

Step eight – Add transitions by going to the "Visual Effects" tab and choosing an result based on your theme and color scheme.

Step 9 – Side by side, click on the "Add Animation" tab to make your lyric video complete.

Pace 10 – Finally, save or publish your lyric video by going to the "File" tab and choosing "Publish movie" or "Salvage movie".

Creating a lyric video with iMovie

Step one – Open iMovie and click on the "+" icon to start your lyric video.

Stride 2 – Option a background or search for something specific in the search bar at the top-right to filter the results.

Step 3 – Click "Create" and save your lyric video with your desired name.

Step 4 – Next, add together your vocal past hit the "Audio" tab.

Stride v – Now starting time adding titles by clicking and dragging the vocal title onto the timeline and typing at that place.

Step half dozen – Continue adding more than title slides and sync the lyrics to the audio.

Step 7 – Once washed, click the "Export" icon at the top-correct.

Step 8 – Choose "File" from the available options and click "Next" in the popular-upwards to finally "Salve" your lyric video.

Lyric Video Examples for Inspiration

Desire to create lyric videos that are binge-worthy? Here are a few must-see examples.

"Don't Cease" past v Seconds of Summer

Let's start with this lyric video picturing the ring members equally superheroes. With beautiful animation and powerful text, it ticks all the boxes of a compelling lyric music video.

"The Man" by Taylor Swift

If you want to learn the ropes of creating effective lyric videos, look at Taylor Swift's YouTube aqueduct. It's loaded with stunning examples. And "The Man" is no exception. From the font fashion to the text placement, everything goes perfectly with the story that'south being told with the lyrics. And those capital letters work well to finish scrollers in their tracks, don't they?

"Suit & Tie" by Justin Timberlake featuring Jay Z

In case you lot missed it, this lyric video by Justin Timberlake tells u.s.a. exactly how a lyric video should exist. With those subtly played text and animation on a black & white background, this one offers great inspiration to the minimalist video makers out there.

"Atlas" by The Crxssing

Talking of minimalism, Atlas proves the firepower of a lyric music video as simple and enigmatic every bit this ane. No busy backdrop. No bold text. Information technology's all about less-polished work that resonates with the viewers.

"Trouble" by Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea

Even though "Trouble" has lyrics sprawling beyond the leading ladies' faces, this is one lyric video that got people talking. It shines due to its black and white properties and those fabulous texts. All in all, the creativity here certain helps pique viewers' interest. Go, check it out:

Tips on Making a Lyric Video

For those of us who aren't content with just the basics, here's the hole-and-corner sauce. Larn well-nigh how to effectively serve your fans with lyric music videos that encourage appointment with these uncomplicated nevertheless extremely useful tips:

  • Ensure 100% accuracy: The last matter your viewers want is to read the wrong lyrics on your lyric video. So, ensure 100% accurateness every bit y'all add together them to your video. Double or triple bank check every word to leave no scope for incorrect subtitles or typos.
  • Cull a theme: Noticed how most of the examples shared above had a central theme? Well, it works magic. Selection a theme and make sure that your creation is weaved around information technology for an engaging video.
  • Go for a color scheme: A staple of any interesting lyric video, the color scheme helps wonderfully drag its visual appeal.
  • Apply filters: Y'all may want to skip those filters and proceed information technology raw, but the right one tin significantly level up your lyric music video. Experiment, use unlike filters and observe the right one that matches your lyric video's color scheme. You'll honey the results.
  • Brand transitions look natural: Alright, and then transitions may look appealing. Only don't bombard your videos with as well many of them. Let each storyboard flow naturally with proper starts and ends.
  • Aim for the highest quality audio: 1 of the must-haves for a killing lyric video is loftier-quality audio. So, if possible, aim for the highest quality of your song to impress your fans.
  • Fonts, fonts, fonts: A lyric video is all near interesting fonts. Utilise them wisely. Ensure that they are legible and in sync with the overall vibe of the video and, of course, the song.
  • Listen the stride: The pace of your text appearing on the screen should match the audio. If you lot demand, use slow pans and cuts. But the effect should be an eye-popping lyric video.

All set to create your adjacent lyric video?

Nosotros hope this guide would have helped y'all learn the essentials of a top-tier lyric music video. Now that you have learned how to make a lyric video, go ahead and give'due south straightforward video editor a effort. Too, if y'all're wondering how to add music to a video for free – is here to assistance yous out!

And hey, we are also a preferred choice for creating constructive video intros and outros. Refresh your video marketing strategy with our fun-filled templates. And let usa know what do yous love the most about our platform.


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