
Galaxy S9 10 Minute Video Limit

  1. rolexreviews's Avatar

    Hey guys, coming from a Galaxy S8 there is a 4K time limit no I don't know if that is due to the Heat or the Snapdragon of this phone

    Does the S10 take a 4k recording time limit also?

    02-23-2019 10:02 AM

  2. bbgpsuser's Avatar

    Information technology probably is due to retentiveness available. Mostly high-res video is directly captured to high speed internal retentiveness.

    02-23-2019 eleven:04 AM

  3. Notefan161's Avatar

  4. rolexreviews's Avatar

    Isn't it still 5 mins?

    Whoops definitely could've been 5 minutes my bad. But still I am only hoping there is no limit on the S10

    02-23-2019 eleven:11 AM


  6. Notefan161's Avatar

    Whoops definitely could've been v minutes my bad. Only still I am merely hoping there is no limit on the S10

    Guess volition come across, I had hoped it would be unlimited

    02-23-2019 11:12 AM

  7. LuxuryTouringZone's Avatar

    The limit is not 5 minutes for regular 4K. That limit was for 4K@60FPS. 4K@30FPS or lower, has a x minute limit. Not sure what the scenario for the Exynos powered phones is.

    02-23-2019 12:45 PM

  8. rolexreviews's Avatar

    The limit is not 5 minutes for regular 4K. That limit was for 4K@60FPS. 4K@30FPS or lower, has a 10 minute limit. Non sure what the scenario for the Exynos powered phones is.

    Are you speaking about the new S10 or the older models? just checked on my S8 and it is 4K 10 minutes

    02-23-2019 01:04 PM

  9. NIZMOZ44's Avatar

    There should exist no limit at all. The iPhone can go continuous till the battery is dead with the same video and settings. It's definitely not memory. May have to practice with the processor or the photographic camera itself heating up.

    02-23-2019 01:23 PM

  10. Rukbat's Avatar

    The ultimate limit is going to exist storage size. If the recording but "runs out of storage", the video is useless, it can't be played back. So there's e'er going to be a limit, even when nosotros become 2TB SD cards.

    02-23-2019 03:54 PM

  11. bbgpsuser's Avatar

    The iPhone can go continuous till the battery is dead with the same video and settings.

    Physically impossible. Plug the iPhone into a charger and start recording. If it is actually recording video, it volition stop at some point. No such thing as space memory.

    02-23-2019 04:27 PM

  12. rolexreviews's Avatar

    guys like call up you guys went a trivial off topic...

    it was a very simple question. does the new phones accept the same 10 minute limit for 4K recording every bit the S8 I currently utilise.

    I could record with my S8 until I run out of memory I think that is common noesis no telephone has space memory

    02-23-2019 04:30 PM

  13. NIZMOZ44's Avatar

    Physically impossible. Plug the iPhone into a charger and start recording. If it is really recording video, it will stop at some point. No such matter as infinite retention.

    Nope. Like I said, it will run till either storage or battery is depleted. Dissimilar the Annotation 9, 10 minutes max. Information technology shouldn't take that limit prepare.

    02-23-2019 06:03 PM

  14. JHBThree's Avatar

    There should be no limit at all. The iPhone can get continuous till the battery is expressionless with the same video and settings. Information technology's definitely non retentivity. May have to practice with the processor or the photographic camera itself heating upwardly.


    02-23-2019 10:29 PM

  15. JHBThree's Avatar

    Nope. Similar I said, it will run till either storage or bombardment is depleted. Unlike the Note 9, ten minutes max. Information technology shouldn't have that limit set.

    All Android phones volition overheat without a limit. Information technology's a thing that has existed since they had the ability to start recording 4k

    02-23-2019 ten:30 PM

  16. Super Spartan's Avatar

    Does it have a 10 min limit likewise on 1080P?

    02-24-2019 04:53 AM

  17. rolexreviews's Avatar

    Does it have a 10 min limit also on 1080P?

    on the S8 no... I retrieve the S10 won't have that on 1080p either

    02-24-2019 08:05 AM

  18. bbgpsuser's Avatar

    Nope. Like I said, information technology will run till either storage or battery is depleted. Unlike the Annotation 9, 10 minutes max. It shouldn't take that limit prepare.

    Storage is retention.

    02-24-2019 10:32 AM

  19. NIZMOZ44's Avatar

    Storage is memory.

    You lot seem to be confused. Storage is where the video is written too. RAM/Retentiveness it is non. Memory is not used for video storage. Information technology is used for running the O/South, and applications in the background/foreground without using the storage to swap (which can deadening the device downwardly).

    Once more, there is even so only a 10 infinitesimal max recording limit on 4k videos on the Samsungs which no one tin can reply why.

    From Samsung Specifications on S10+:

    Milky way S10+
    8GB RAM with 128GB internal storage
    8GB RAM with 512GB internal storage (Ceramic version merely)
    12GB RAM with 1TB internal storage (Ceramic version just)

    02-24-2019 01:59 PM

  20. Almeuit's Avatar

    Physically impossible. Plug the iPhone into a charger and commencement recording. If information technology is actually recording video, it will finish at some indicate. No such affair every bit infinite memory.

    Storage is retention.

    Let me see if I can explicate it really fast to break down what is being said.

    1) Take an iPhone XS Max + a Milky way S10. Both 512 GB storage max and both at STOCK configs (no user apps).

    2) Start recording at 4K.

    3) 10 mins of 4k is not going to fill upwards a brand new 512 GB of either phone, right? Right.

    four) 10 mins afterward the Samsung stops recording. The iPhone continues until information technology either fills that 512 GB OR the battery dies. The Samsung hasn't hitting either 1 of those -- information technology just hit the "x minute limit" imposed by Samsung and therefore stopped.

    Of course this is very niche comparing but that is basically what is being said. I hope this helps to clear upward the confusion.

    02-24-2019 02:05 PM

  21. X1tymez's Avatar

    Then what I read so far. It doesn't matter if I buy high terminate SD carte. The limit is set to 10min?

    02-24-2019 02:40 PM

  22. Itsa_Me_Mario's Avatar

    Hey guys, coming from a Galaxy S8 there is a 4K time limit no I don't know if that is due to the Heat or the Snapdragon of this phone

    Does the S10 have a 4k recording time limit equally well?

    I was nether the impression this was due to two reasons: the file storage organisation and to forbid unexpected shutdown from heat.

    02-24-2019 03:47 PM

  23. Rukbat's Avatar

    You seem to exist confused. Storage is where the video is written besides. RAM/Retentivity it is non. Memory is not used for video storage. It is used for running the O/South, and applications in the background/foreground

    Until smartphones came out and someone started using "memory" to mean "storage" ... and it stuck. I'm pretty certain that most of united states who come from the computer world blench every time someone talks about apps installed to "retentivity", just that's the cellphone industry now, and so we have to live with it. (95% of smartphone users aren't even aware that they're running a Linux estimator with a Java runtime named Dalvik - or Android. And backup? What'south that? [Cringe.])

    02-24-2019 04:31 PM

  24. rolexreviews's Avatar

    Information technology's amazing to me how off topic this thread went.

    If y'all didn't know the answer there was no need to reply

    It's very simple. Is at that place still a x infinitesimal 4k video recording limit?

    seriously not that hard guys

    02-24-2019 04:33 PM

  25. Dooki's Avatar

    I don't think anyone knows right now. I haven't seen any reviews specifically of this topic.

    02-24-2019 04:42 PM

  26. JHBThree's Avatar

    Information technology's amazing to me how off topic this thread went.

    If you didn't know the answer in that location was no need to reply

    It'south very simple. Is there still a 10 minute 4k video recording limit?

    seriously not that hard guys

    Welcome to a forum. You lot don't get to dictate what's discussed here. Considering no one has this device nevertheless, this question is premature. People answered it from their experience with other Samsung devices.

    02-24-2019 05:26 PM

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