
Sales Representatives Represent Which Of The Following Members Of The Fashion Industry?

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Enter keywords to search for reps in our database. The search looks at the portion of the rep's profile where they describe their customer base.

  • Describe your customers. Examples: retail, apparel, gift shop, medical, OEM, industrial, machine, component, auto, department store, distributor, wholesale, etc.
  • Note: do not include cities or states with your keywords. Territories are not part of the keyword field and will dramatically reduce your results.
  • Once you are registered with RepHunter, you can do an Advanced Search, which allows searching by Territories and more.

All Of The Words

Enter one or more words. All must be present to be included in the result. For example, the search home office will find entries with both home AND office but not necessarily as adjacent words.

The Exact Phrase

Enter quotes as part of the search. For example, "home office" (with the quotes entered) will find only entries having the exact phrase home office.

At Least One Of The Words

Put a comma or "OR" between the words. Either word must be present to be included in the result. For example home, office will find entries with either home OR office. Another more complex example: home office, copier will find entries with home AND office OR copier. Likewise for copier, home office.

Word Boundaries

The search function has been enhanced so the word boundary symbols [ and ] are no longer necessary.

Negative Keywords

To search for results that do NOT include a keyword (example: home office but not copier), use a minus sign immediately before the keyword you wish to omit.

Example: home office -copier

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Sales Representatives Represent Which Of The Following Members Of The Fashion Industry?


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